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Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Clinic

Welcome to Mumfit Physiotherapy's Virtual Pelvic Floor Clinic! Experience personalised and effective pelvic floor care from the comfort of your home. Our expert physiotherapists specialise in addressing a range of concerns, from pregnancy to postpartum recovery to pelvic health, return to exercise and musculoskeletal injuries & aches & pains. Through secure video sessions, we guide you with assessments, tailored exercises, and empowering education. With Mumfit, you can access top-tier pelvic floor therapy conveniently, ensuring your well-being is a priority. Schedule your virtual session today and embark on a journey to pelvic health and wellness with our team at Mumfit Physiotherapy.

Woman on Computer

Virtual Clinic Features

A Easier Way To Access Quality Healthcare You Will Love



Virtual pelvic floor physiotherapy allows you to prioritise your health without leaving the comfort of your home. No commuting, no waiting rooms – just personalised care on your schedule.



Ensure your privacy with secure and confidential virtual sessions. Discuss your pelvic health concerns openly with our experienced physiotherapists from the privacy of your own space


Expert Guidance

Access top-tier pelvic floor expertise without geographical constraints. Our skilled physiotherapists provide individualised assessments and guide you through effective exercises, all through secure online platforms.


Flexible Access To Care

Life is busy, but your health shouldn't take a back seat. Virtual pelvic floor physiotherapy offers flexibility, making it easier to prioritise self-care and maintain consistency in your wellness journey.


Explore our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section for quick answers to common queries. Find information on appointments, services, and more, all in one convenient space. If you have specific questions, chances are, we've got the answers right here.



How does a virtual

pelvic floor clinic

actually work?

A virtual pelvic floor clinic typically operates through secure video conferencing platforms. You'll schedule appointments in advance, receive a link to join the virtual session, and during the session, your therapist will guide you through assessments, exercises, and discussions, similar to an in-person visit.





How will my privacy be maintained during virtual appointments?

Your privacy is a top priority. Virtual sessions are conducted on secure and encrypted platforms. Additionally, therapists adhere to strict confidentiality standards, ensuring that your personal health information is protected.




Can virtual pelvic floor therapy be covered by private healthinsurance?

Many insurance plans now cover virtual healthcare services, including pelvic floor therapy. It's advisable to check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage and any potential out-of-pocket costs.  Medicare plans are also covered.



What happens if I experience technical difficulties during a virtual session?

Technical difficulties can happen. If you encounter issues, your therapist will have contingency plans, such as switching to a phone call or rescheduling. Clear instructions for troubleshooting will be provided in advance.



Is virtual pelvic floor therapy as effective as in-person sessions?

Yes, research has shown that virtual pelvic floor therapy can be highly effective. It offers the convenience of accessing specialized care from the comfort of your home. However, the effectiveness can depend on individual needs, and your therapist will work with you to optimize the virtual experience.





Are there any specific tools or equipment I need for virtual pelvic floor exercises?


Most exercises can be done with minimal equipment. Your therapist will guide you on any specialized tools or props required, and these are often household items. You'll receive clear instructions on how to set up for exercises during your virtual sessions



How do I communicate with my therapist between virtual sessions?

Communication between sessions is typically facilitated through secure messaging platforms, email, or a patient portal. Your therapist will guide you on the preferred method and response times for non-urgent questions.



How can I track my progress in virtual pelvic floor therapy?

Your therapist will guide you on tracking your progress through various means, such as symptom diaries, objective measurements, and feedback during virtual sessions. Regular assessments will be conducted to monitor improvements.



What types of pelvic floor issues can be addressed through virtual clinics?

Virtual pelvic floor clinics can address a wide range of concerns, including pelvic pain, incontinence, postpartum issues, and more. Your therapist will conduct assessments and provide personalized exercises and education to address your specific needs.


What qualifications do virtual pelvic floor therapists have?

Virtual pelvic floor therapists are licensed and experienced professionals with expertise in pelvic floor health. They may hold advanced certifications in pelvic floor therapy and stay updated on the latest research and techniques in the field.


Are there any limitations to virtual pelvic floor assessments?

Your privacy is a top priority. Virtual sessions are conducted on secure and encrypted platforms. Additionally, therapists adhere to strict confidentiality standards, ensuring that your personal health information is protected.




What are the costs associated with virtual pelvic floor therapy?

The costs can vary. It's important to check with the clinic about session fees and inquire about insurance coverage. Some virtual pelvic floor clinics may offer flexible payment options or accept insurance for virtual services.



Are you still unsure about Mumfit Physiotherapy's virtual clinic? Why not schedule a 15-minute phone consultation? Discover personalised options and get answers to your questions. Let's determine the best path for your pelvic health together!

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