Looking for a way to kick-off your exercise routine after having a baby and start a long-lasting routine? Let go of all your fear or confusion around returning to exercise with this physio led program you know is safe for you to undertake. In this 6 week journey, we will ease you into a routine and help you reap all of the benefits postpartum pilates has to offer. Each week we will focus on linking our mind to our body (and breath) to help you redevelop your core and pelvic floor! Beginning and sticking with an exercise routine with a new baby is not so easy, so let's start slow. We will start by devoting 30 minutes each Friday via a zoom class. A video recording of the class will be sent out each week as well as 2 additional work at your own pace classes. We will learn how to tune into our breath and reengage our deep core system including your pelvic floor, strengthen our core & glute muscles, and emphasise movement and mobility for new mums.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app